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Amongst the programs that We have initiated the most significant one and the one that is groundbreaking and has the capacity to bring about long term change in the lives of the young people, students by ensuring that they have a meaningful education and employment is the Dalit Youth Support Program (DYSP). One glance at the statistics related to the education status of the Dalit youth will prove the point as to why it is such an important and mold-breaking initiative. Among the literates, 39.7 percent of Scheduled Castes (SCs is also known as Dalits- the oppressed) in Bihar, India, are either without any educational level or have attained education below primary level. The proportion of literates who have attained education up to primary and middle levels constitute 28.4 percent & 13.1 percent respectively. Only 15.1 percent of SC literates are educated up to matric/ secondary/higher secondary etc. The percentages for Higher and technical education are further appalling only 3.6% of SCs are able to become Graduates & above level while only 0.1 are able to achieve non-technical & technical diplomas. In response to the data mentioned above on the educational attainment of the underprivileged SCs, I did an analysis of the schemes and programs existing them, during the course of the research I came across that there was a scheme in place since 1944 to ensure that SC, ST students have access to higher education and that money is not a deterrent. The scheme is known as Post Matric Scholarship aims to provide financial assistance to students to students belonging to scheduled castes for pursuing post matriculation courses through recognized institutes. Under the scheme, the course fee, maintenance allowance, incidental costs, and other allowances are provided by the Government. The scheme has been revised in 2003 and 2010 to include changes in the income ceiling of the families, maintenance allowance, and grouping of courses.
The study also revealed that the Bihar Government was returning the funds as there were no takers till 2011 the funds were returned to the Government of India as they were unspent. I realized that there was a huge potential in the scheme to provide professional and technical education to the Scheduled Caste& Tribe students through the existing network of the youth we did a survey of the scheduled caste& Tribe youths as well as started an awareness generation program on the components of the scheme in 2011. I also advocated with the Mahadalit Vikas Mission (a program for the empowerment of Dalits within Dalits) set up by the Government of Bihar and the Department of Social Justice for publicizing the scheme to benefit the deserving youth. In collaboration with the Government we have been raising awareness about the course and mobilize, aware, teach and place/Admit 10th, 12th, and Graduates student of the marginalized section of the society boys and girls to various professional courses like Diploma engineering, Pharmacy, Hotel Management, Bachelor of Business Management (BBA), Nursing, Dental and Master of Business Administration in the partner educational institutions as per the availability of seats. We prepare the students before they begin their formal course through life skills, English learning training and tutoring them in their relevant course to ensure their retention. As these students have low exposure levels and low self-esteem capacity building is important to encourage them to complete their selected courses. The uniqueness of the scheme and my role is: