
Building Resilience

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Building Resilience

Resilience is a life skill that can be taught. It’s especially important for kids who are struggling in school. Kids who learn and think differently face challenges other kids don’t. It’s harder for them to get through schoolwork. And they may have trouble with everyday skills like self-control, following directions, or picking up on social cues. Resilience can help a child learn from challenges despite having setbacks.

UPCT focuses on building resilient livelihoods particularly by supporting communities to adapt, and to be prepared for any emergencies that may threaten their livelihoods and well-being in the future. UPCT’s resilience framework integrates livelihoods, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation approaches under a single assessment framework.

This includes enhancing employability, leadership skills and capacities to take multiple ways of income to diversity risks, increasing awareness about public schemes and climate information and improving access to markets and information. Second, by building assets such as enabling women to own and manage community based microfinancing of productive assets such as machinery, livestock and land, and rehabilitating degraded natural resources. Third, by collectivization where women are encouraged to practice group-based savings to finance their livelihood and demand land and forest rights. This is followed by developing participatory value chains, a method that helps enhance women’s capacities to take up new and non-traditional roles in agricultural and forestry value chains. The fifth approach is to engage with men and other influential actors to sensitize them on the role of women and the issues they face in practicing resilient livelihoods.

These approaches that cover both household and community in terms of helping build resilient livelihoods are integrated within nine of UPCT’s livelihood projects. One of them is Pathways, a program that seeks to better the lives of poor women farmers by increasing their opportunities while addressing their social, economic and environmental constraints in agriculture. During 2015-16, the program resulted in 13,000 poor households having additional economic opportunities and income, improving their access to food and household food-security, a 27% increase in paddy yields and 31% increase in diverse food groups at household levels. The program also resulted in more than three times as many women accessing agricultural extension as compared to the baseline period and nearly all women expressing satisfaction with extension services.