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We have more than 61 such Centers with more than 260 Trainers, 61 Centre Manager s and 61 offices across Bihar, Which covers all 38 districts of Bihar. We have more than 100 local associates all over Bihar, Jharkhand, UP, and the North Eastern States. We are working with Bihar Mahadalit Vikash Mission, NSDC, and Skill development initiatives and departments of Govt. of Bihar in the following trades:
Even retirees need computer skills in order to take advantage of today's online services such as online banking, email, digital photography, and Internet-based news feeds. One of the best ways to learn basic computer terms and skills is to take a course directly on the computer itself.
UPCT has the vision to promote those people who want to keep alive the inherited art but facing the economic crisis. Also being judged as the lower section few people face discrimination and their upliftment is stagnant. We believe in the need to promote traditional art and provide them with the proper channel to the market. We are empowered with Well Developed Management System.
It includes :-