
Monitoring and Evalution

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Scholarship Test-1 @ Ghorasahan High School on 30th April 2023. Scholarship Test-1 @ Motihari High School, on 30th April 2023. Scholarship Test-1 @ Piprakothi High School, on 30th April 2023.

Monitoring and Evalution

To formulate a concept that would provide the basis for the development of an appropriate design, we will carried out a problem identification exercise through questionnaires and by brainstorming with other concerned parties. The design was evaluated to determine whether it responds to relevant problems, as it is meant to do, or if it diverts from the set goals, and if so, to what extent. The conceptual aspect of the design should be carefully analyzed and clarified, so that it can be applied in the formulation of evaluation goals and used as basis for a new design that responds better to actual needs. This study was conducted in selected 10 districts in Bihar based on the sampling plan and methodology developed during the Inception Phase. The total quantitative sample was 100 and 10 FGDs were conducted within the targeted members. The method for data collection was primary and secondary sources both. The primary sources were observational homes' survey. The secondary sources were data from existing reports and documents on observational homes. The methodology adopted during the assignment along with the deliverables is as summarized below :-

In order to understand the key expectations and finalise the scope of work, multiple rounds of meetings and discussions will be held with Senior.


Tool Design :- The methodology adopted for developing the study tools is shown in the diagram below. A number of academic materials, reports of different national & international organization were reviewed.
Data Collection Methods: Besides primary data collection secondary data sources were used to review the general background information in the project district. The checklist for the quantitative and qualitative information was designed considering the following outcome indicators.
Observations :-The study employed non-reactive techniques, use of an observer (an outsider), as opposed to participant observation in order to establish "how things happen rather than rely solely on how other people perceive it happening. This allowed the interviewers to gather first-hand impressions by direct observations through their own eyes.
Focus Group Discussions :- Focus Group Discussions formed part of the data collections methods. Focus Group Discussions were moderated by senior investigators within the data collection team. This provided breadth of information and wide range of perspectives. It also allows identifying consensus and diversity of participants needs.
In-depth Interviews :-In-depth interviews were the mainstay of data collection in this study. The study investigators deliberated on the extent of structuring that was to be introduced in the interview process. Based on the assessment of relative strengths and weaknesses of each of the interview processes, the study objectives and time available for the study, a decision was made to have a mix of open-conversational/in-depth narrative style interviews. The questionnaire included 58 questions and it was divided into various categories such as demographic profile, educational background, family background, juvenile's history, perception of fairness and results of inquiry.

As I said, earlier, the field study conducted in all the districts where observational homes are established based on the sampling plan and methodology developed during the Inception Phase. Overall 100 sample size was covered this excludes 10 FGDs which were conducted during the field survey by the team. Individual interview using scheduled questionnaire has been conducted to collect data from all inmates constituting the sample as well as officials of the observation home.